
I. Trip Approval

This policy covers academic and non-academic travel excursions, student club travel and field trips. 参加EGSC运动队的海外学习和比赛 是否不在本保单的承保范围内. 由十大正规网赌平台赞助的旅行机会 College must be planned well in advance of the trip date to allow adequate time to 使用此处引用的表格获得事先批准. 审批程序应 步骤如下:

    1. Trip Proposal: The Trip Leader must submit a trip proposal to his/her immediate supervisor. This should be initiated at least 90 days prior to overnight travel in the US. Day trips 应该至少提前30天开始吗. 没有运输合同, 旅游、住宿、活动入场费等.,不得签署,不得发布广告; registration forms or fees collected without first obtaining prior approval for the 按照本政策中规定的程序进行总统的访问.

        1. 对旅行目的的描述;
        2. names and duties of the Trip Leader and the chaperones/instructors, include justification 监护人编号和选择(见“监护人”部分)
        3. approved Travel Request for each chaperone by his or her immediate supervisor, 
        4. 对目标受众的描述;
        5. 最小和最大参与人数;
        6. 学分建议(如适用);
        7. budget with contingency/emergency fund, (indicate if meal, lodging reimbursement requested; (请参阅“预算”部分)
        8. 行程与交通,住宿和活动信息
        9. 所有费用证明文件; 
        10. 拟定的传单、小册子和所有宣传材料;
        11. draft of the student trip information session (prior to registration); and
        12. copy of materials for the informational meeting(s) and the pre-departure orientation. 
    2. Chaperones: All EGSC employees traveling as a chaperone on an EGSC sponsored student trip must complete a EGSC旅行申请 form and obtain prior approval from his/her supervisor to be away from their job. If an hourly employee serves as a chaperone, all overtime, if any, will be paid by 旅行预算(不包括大学经费). 一般来说,陪护人员与学生的比例 is 1:10. Trip Leaders requesting additional chaperones above the 1:10 ratio must provide a written justification addressing the need and special circumstances specific to this trip. Trip leaders should carefully recruit and select EGSC employee chaperones 使用下面包含的信息. 学生代表监护人(SRC)是 EGSC faculty, club advisors and student activities personnel acting as chaperones. SRC是经验丰富的旅行领导者或监护人. 选择伴侣时 EGSC旅行,旅行领导者应该优先选择SRC. SRC将被支付 at his/her regular rate while serving as a chaperone and is eligible for meal reimbursement and lodging from the employee’s departmental budget at per diem rates prescribed by the EGSC Travel Policy. An EGSC employee that is not an SRC and is acting as a chaperone or additional chaperones in excess of the recommended 1:10 ratio will be paid at his/her regular rate and is eligible for meal reimbursement and lodging at per diem rates prescribed by the EGSC Travel Policy. 如果旅行的目的是教育任务,费用 for these employees may be paid from the trip budget, student affairs budget, or the 大学的预算,由校长决定.
    3. Budget: If trip funds are insufficient to cover the trip costs, the following options exist:
      1. 行程可能会取消;
      2. Trip leader may request that the shortage be paid from the college’s general budget, subject to Presidential approval; or 
      3. Chaperones may pay his/her costs for meals or other expenses in advance.
    4. 旅行建议审核
      Following immediate supervisor review and approval, the trip proposal will be routed by the Trip Leader to Legal Counsel/Chief of Staff for review and routing. Depending on the nature of the trip, additional approvals from the below departments may be 需要在此说明: 
      • 学术及学生事务: 适用于所有非学术性的学生旅行、俱乐部旅行等.; academic credit approval and approval of faculty or Dean Trip Leader, instructor/chaperone • 机构发展: 学生募捐者,EGSC基金会
      • Business Affairs: review of budget, student club accounts, trip fees, tuition, travel, transportation, 旅行合同,报销申请
      • Legal Affairs: (Mary Smith) waivers, emergency forms, FERPA, travel contracts for lodging, transportation, 旅游活动等.

        After each unit reviews the trip proposal, any additional information, requirements, denials or approvals will be noted on the Trip Approval Form by Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel. 旅行领队将被告知旅行建议的状态. After all appropriate units have reviewed and approved all conditions, the trip proposal 将提交总统审阅.
    5. 主席审查: The President or his designee will review the request for trip approval and inform the Trip Leader whether the trip is approved with or without conditions, or denied.

II. 旅行批准后的程序

    1. 招聘并敲定旅行安排: Following trip approval, trip advertisements, club fundraising events, pre-registration information sessions, registration, final travel arrangements, and financial commitments may occur. Authorized signatories for EGSC contracts are the President and Vice President 商业事务.
    2. 旅行会议和所需信息
      1. Hold an informational meeting, orientation session, and a final trip briefing session to provide each participant with itinerary and obtain the appropriate waivers and 根据旅行批准表确定的表格,
      2. 所有参加者必须向领队提供手机号码;
      3. Trip Leaders must travel with medical information and cell phones for all participants on his/her person during the trip; and
      4. Provide a list of students and chaperones cell numbers with the Office of Vice President 负责学术及学生事务.
    3. 旅行负责人和陪同人员的旅行政策和程序
      The Trip Leader must follow the practices and procedures detailed in the 十大正规网赌平台旅行政策 when making travel arrangements, traveling, and submitting travel expense reimbursement. Trip Leaders and chaperones must fulfill the duties of a supervisor including leading the group’s activities according to the itinerary, directing transportation, securing lodging and meals, and providing information to participants concerning any changes 或上述安排中的应急计划. 领队和陪同人员 are responsible for securing emergency medical care for participants when necessary and must inform the office of the Vice President 负责学术及学生事务 对旅途中发生的意外、伤害和紧急情况尽快处理.

III. 学院的政策和程序

While traveling on an 十大正规网赌平台 sponsored trip, all EGSC employees and students are subject to the policies and procedures of the college and are expected to adhere to the standards of behavior and Code of Conduct as outlined therein.